Our Philosophy

We love solving impossible problems.

Too many times there are issues or roadblocks that “everyone knows” are just part of the industry - something to be endured. With Buckthorn’s fresh perspective, lateral thinking and cross-industry experience, we can often transpose solutions that work in one industry, modify and adapt it, and apply the lessons learned to a wholly different problem set. Most of the time an “impossible problem” can be solved by someone who’s not as close to it as the experts who have long been acclimated to it.

Software enables Processes. Processes enable People. People enable success.

People in the company and their everyday decisions are the #1 deciding factor for a business’ success. Creating and encouraging the right processes and methods to communicate vital information is critical to give people what they need to make the best decisions possible. And carefully selected, designed, and configured software systems are the easiest and cheapest way to encourage people to use those processes which help the company overall. When it’s easiest for people to make the decision you want them to make, then that’s what they’ll do.

The only good deal is one where everyone is happy.

There is often a misguided equivalence of “compromise” and “negotiation.” Compromise is where you want 6 and I want 10, and we compromise on 8, which only guarantees that neither one of us gets what we actually want. At Buckthorn, we’d much rather negotiate a different deal, delve into what each party holds most important - what are the goals behind the goals? What can we do to rewrite the rules of the game so everybody gets everything they want out of the situation? This applies to much more than just negotiating our own compensation. It weaves into how we interface with departments in your organization - the high level brass, the developers, the finance people, HR - and find solutions that make everyone happy. Because happy people make better decisions, and better decisions are what lead to growth.

Talk is cheap. In fact, ours is free!

Give us a call. 607-383-0308

We're nice to talk to, promise!